Tag Archives: Viviva Colorsheets Spring Single Set 16 Colour

Viviva Colorsheets Spring Single Set 16 Colour

This Viviva Colorsheets Spring Single Set contains a packet of 16 super-pigmented springtime colours that are incredibly rich and perfect for watercolours. These colorsheets are a unique and portable system of watercolour painting that give you high quality results.  Each sheet is bound together, creating a small pad thin enough to fit inside a sketchbook to take with you. Simply use any wet brush or waterbrush to pick up the pigment, it's very similar to using pan watercolours. All these paints are 100% eco-friendly and are made in India by local women being paid a fair wage.  Colours  Vivid Red, Cherry Blossom, Burgundy, Saffron, Happy Yellow, Dark Brown, Foliage Green, Olive Green, Lemon Grass, Ocean Blue, Midnight Blue, Indigo Blue, Metallic Red, Metallic Baby, Pink, Metallic Light Green, Metallic Sky Blue. Contents 16 Springtime Colours Designed for a mess-free painting experience Inbuilt reusable Mixing Palette Special Water Resistant sheets to separate different colours Colour-Coded sheets for easy use