Tag Archives: Paperways Palette Deskgram – Water Lilies

Paperways Palette Deskgram – Water Lilies

Transform your workspace with the Paperways Palette Deskgram – Water Lilies, a perfect fusion of artistry and functionality. Measuring 240x172mm, this deskgram offers 50 sheets of organisation, each adorned with a captivating colour variation and combination inner page design inspired by Monet’s timeless water lilies artwork. With a secure memopad binding and a commitment to sustainability through recycled paper usage, the Paperways Palette Deskgram ensures your workspace is both visually inspiring and environmentally responsible. Size: 240x172mm Sheets: 50 Inner Page Design: Colour variation and combination inspired by Monet’s water lilies artwork Binding: Memopad Paper: Recycled Paper Used