Tag Archives: Golden Pouring Medium Matte 473ml

Golden Pouring Medium Matte 473ml

Experience the versatility of Golden Mediums and elevate your acrylic painting to new heights. Whether you're aiming for opaque, glossy finishes or low-lustre matte effects, Golden offers the perfect solution for your artistic endeavours. Blend Golden Heavy Body Acrylics with Colour Pouring Medium: Gloss for an almost opaque, glossy, and level appearance. Alternatively, opt for Colour Pouring Medium: Matte to achieve a subtle low lustre finish that preserves the edges of your colours, even when poured wet into wet. Instructions: Gently mix 10 parts of Colour Pouring Medium with 1 part acrylic colour. Allow the mixture to sit covered overnight to eliminate air bubbles. Pour close to the surface to reduce air bubbles. Allow paintings to dry for a few days before moving; tenting is recommended. Avoid pouring thicker than 1/8” (3mm) and do not attempt to accelerate drying.