Tag Archives: Golden 473ml Fine Pumice Gel
Golden 473ml Fine Pumice Gel
A Fine Pumice Gel from Golden that is used to create a unique granular texture that will dry to a hard porous film while still retaining some flexibility. In the range there are three different particle sizes ranging from fine, coarse and extra coarse that will allow you to control the type of texture you want and alternatively you can mix them together to make something in between. These gels can be thought of as a colorless paint and some incorporate pumice, glass or acrylic granules. They offer artists many different ways to build textures and effects on different surfaces and with them being clear and transparent you can see through them or paint over them for interesting styles. They can also act as a type of adhesive for collages and mixed media as they dry to create surface coats and films with great flexibility along with chemical, water and UV resistance. – Brand: Golden – Size: 473ml – Ideal for creating a textured granular surface – Can act as a type of adhesive for collages and mixed media – Fine Pumice Gel