Tag Archives: Daler-Rowney Art Masking Fluid 175ml

Daler-Rowney Art Masking Fluid 175ml

This Art Masking Fluid from Daler-Rowney is a pigmented liquid composed of rubber latex and pigments to create bold eye catching white highlights or sections for overpainting later on in the painting process. Use it with watercolour mediums to help mask sections of work you want to remain white, or dilute it with water so it can be used with all types of water based paints. The fluid will dry quickly within 5 to 10 minutes to form a water resistant film on watercolour paper, board and canvas that can be removed simply by rubbing with an eraser or piece of tissue. When applying it’s best done in broad washes with a brush you don’t mind damaging, or pen and cotton bud as once dried it becomes incredibly hard to remove from the bristles. Remove as soon as possible after application and don’t apply on damp or soft paper, as the pigment may dye and discolour it. – Brand: Daler-Rowney – Size: 175ml – Art Masking Fluid – Ideal for creating highlights and areas of the paper you want to remain white – Made from rubber latex and pigment – Dries in 5-10 minutes – Once dried can be removed with an eraser or cotton bud – Best applied with an old brush as once dried it becomes very difficult to remove from the bristles