Sennelier Indian Ink 125ml

Sennelier Indian Ink offers a range of high-quality colours akin to traditional Indian inks. These inks, enriched with shellac gum, boast exceptional richness, brilliance, and vibrancy under light, making each shade truly unique. Whether applied with a brush or ink pen, they produce a satin to brilliant film depending on thickness. Rapid drying and displaying a high level of water resistance without becoming indelible, these inks are favoured for various artistic endeavours such as calligraphy, quill drawings, washes, textile creations, and material research. To enhance light stability, they can be protected with a pencil fixative, ensuring your artwork retains its vibrancy over time. 125 ml Indelible and lightfast Excellent for calligraphy nib pens and brushes Excellent for calligraphy nib pens and brushes