Pebeo Gedeo Crystal Resin Mix Transparent 750ml

This Crystal Resin Mix from Gedeo is a two component epoxy resin system featuring resin and hardener. It's lightfast and once it dries is completely transparent and solid and will perfectly imitate glass paste and crystals.  It's great for moulding projects and decorating objects or shapes, plus it can encapsulate and coat items up to 2 cm thick, see instructions for full details. This Resin Mix is intended for experienced and professional users. Instructions In a dry and clean container, pour first 1 part of Crystal B hardener and then 2 parts of Crystal A resin. Mix the two components well until the corners of the container (incomplete mixing does not guarantee hardening, mixing too vigorously will cause bubbles to appear).  Transfer the mixture to a second container and mix again to ensure homogeneity of the resin and optimal curing. Pour into the substrate of your choice. Allow to dry for 24 hours in a dust-free environment. Details Two component epoxy resin system with resin and hardener Ideal for the moulding of decorative objects and inclusions no thicker than 5cm Used in a thin layer, can be used as a varnish or provide a varnished effect on your creations Can be used on glass, ceramic, metal, silicone, painted wood, and plastic. Available in 150ml – 300ml – 750ml