Golden 473ml Light Molding Paste

This Light Molding Paste is made by Golden and it offers astounding weight reductions when building up thick layers of acrylic. The density of this product whilst wet is more than 50% less than Golden molding paste and this results in a strikingly lighter film once dried. This dramatic weight reduction will be very useful for artists creating work in a very large size as it will contribute less to the overall weight. Once dried the paste will become opaque with a matte finish meaning it will have very little sheen which better hides inconsistency on the surface of your canvas. Consistency wise it is thick and will hold stiff peaks which helps to create interesting surface textures to paint on. – Brand: Golden – Size: 473ml – Light Molding Paste – 50% less in weight compared to Golden Molding Paste – Can hold stiff peaks for unique textures and has a matte finish