Golden Super Matte Medium 473ml

Golden Super Matte Medium offers artists a versatile solution for reducing gloss and achieving a matte finish. With its high level of matting agents, this pourable medium effectively lowers the sheen of paints and other mediums with minimal alteration to colour strength and viscosity. It's important to note that Super Matte Medium is designed to be blended with other acrylic paints or mediums, rather than used alone. Golden Super Matte Medium can be added to Golden Heavy Body Acrylics, Decorative Glazes, Gels, and Mediums. Reduces gloss and achieves a matte finish Minimal alteration to colour strength and viscosity Compatible with various acrylic paints and mediums Offers versatility for experimentation Ideal for creating custom colour gessoes How to Use: To lower the sheen of a paint colour or medium, add Golden Super Matte Medium in increments of about 10% of the total volume. Experimentation is key to determining the desired gloss level. Caution should be exercised with excessive addition, as it may lighten colours or cause cracking in thick applications.