Daler-Rowney FW Epoxy Resin Pouring Medium 250ml

Discover Daler-Rowney Epoxy Resin, meticulously designed to produce clear, high-gloss resin art when combined with Epoxy Hardener. Create stunning effects by mixing the resin with highly pigmented FW acrylic inks, resulting in vibrant works of art. Enhance your pouring art by adding a drop of Daler-Rowney Silicone Oil, creating mesmerizing bubble effects throughout. This UV-resistant resin ensures the longevity of your artworks, making it an ideal choice for long-lasting creations. Suitable for use on various surfaces including canvas, wood, MDF, glass, perspex, concrete, and metal. Clear, high-gloss resin art Compatible with Epoxy Hardener Mix with FW acrylic inks for vibrant colors Enhance with Daler-Rowney Silicone Oil for bubble effects UV-resistant for long-lasting artworks Suitable for use on canvas, wood, MDF, glass, perspex, concrete, and metal